Doing the unexpected
The trip was fun, and could be better. In the spirit of teamwork and accomodating one another, we cycled very slowly. I would have prefered to go faster, I think most of them would definitely agree.
There are many things I would have never imagined myself doing, like having BBQ with people whom most of them I did not know. I still find it quite uncomfortable to mix around with a big group of strangers, luckily the ODAC people (Steven, Yvonne, Peiyu, Ben) are the friendly-with-other-people types and not cluster-amongst-themselves people.
Also this is the first time I played mahjong at a chalet, with people I would never have imagined playing mahjong with; the CE guys and the ODAC people. I also never thought that you could play mahjong other than at night time.
The sunrise was quite dissapointing. The fog was too heavy for me to make out where the sun was. After feeding mozzies for twenty minutes, I went back to the sofa to sleep till it was about time to leave.